September 18, 2024
Externship vs Internship: What's the Difference and Which Should You Choose?

When looking for a job, many of us are advised to complete an externship or an internship.

If you don’t know the differences between an internship and an externship, deciding which one to go for can be confusing. Both benefit your professional growth, but choosing the right one for yourself is essential.

You may have many questions: What are the differences between externships and internships? Which one pays more? Which one provides more experience? What are the required qualifications to get into each one?

In this article, we will clear all your questions regarding externships and internships. By the end, you will have a clear idea of which will best align with your career goals.

Externship vs Internship: What’s the Difference?

Both externships and internships can prepare you for your dream career by bridging the gap between what you’ve learned and what you can apply in the real world.

The main difference is that in an externship, you follow professionals and learn about their work, while in an internship, you complete tasks and take on responsibilities.

Let’s look at the difference between externships and internships in six key areas.


With the limited level of tasks provided in an externship, it’s expected that your level of responsibility is low. An externship is passive, with a focus on being present, asking questions, and learning rather than active participation.

Of course, this goes up in an internship since you have to complete tasks and become part of a team. When you're an intern, you're expected to be a good employee, which means giving your best and being enthusiastic to learn.

Work Experience

The work experience you gain in internships is substantial because you get to work on projects, attend staff meetings, connect with other employees, and contribute to the organization.

On the other hand, externships fall back when it comes to work experience because any experience you gain is only observational.


There is a significant difference between externships and internships when it comes to duration.

Externships are brief, sometimes lasting just days.

Internships can last several months, a semester, and beyond.

This goes to show that internships allow you to gain deeper, practical experience while externships are more suitable for exploration.


So, what kind of compensation can you expect with an externship or an internship? Again, the difference between the two is quite stark.

Externships are generally unpaid. The only exceptions are the ones in healthcare. So, it helps to look into the specific details of what you are interested in.

Internships may offer compensation.

Academic Integration

When it comes to academic integration for an externship, it depends on duration. If it’s a short externship, you may not receive any academic credit. But long externships that last a month or more may offer credit.

Since internships generally last longer and also involve more work, they have a higher chance of offering credit and being connected to academic programs due to integrations between institutions and companies.

However, keep in mind that to receive credit for an internship, you may have to fill out assignments. This is usually done to show that your work experience in your internship is leading to progress in your course.

Qualification Requirements

Qualification requirements for both externships and internships can vary greatly. It all depends on the organization and the industry. So, we would recommend you to check the requirements for any internship or externship you’re interested in.

However, generally speaking, the requirements for an externship are less demanding. This is because in an externship, you’re usually not actively working, but rather observing others, attending meetings, and learning.

Externship vs Internship: Which Should You Choose?

Here’s a side-by-side comparison table of externship and internship.

When it comes to choosing whether to go for an externship or an internship, there is no blanket answer. It depends on where you stand currently, your goals, and your requirements. Consider these three crucial points.

  • Experience: Both internships and externships offer varying levels of experience. Ask yourself, are you looking to just explore a new field or get in-depth experience in it?
  • Time availability: Determine how much time you are willing to invest in this endeavor. Externships only last a few days or weeks whereas internships can last several months.
  • Goals: Knowing your long-term career goals and having a good idea of where you stand currently can also help in choosing whether to go for an externship or an internship.

We hope these points help you choose well!

What’s an Apprenticeship?

If you like the learning experience of an externship but also want the responsibilities that an internship offers, an apprenticeship may be a suitable option for you.

An apprenticeship gives you both on-the-job and theoretical training. Here are some key points about apprenticeship.

  • Work Experience: In an apprenticeship, you work under an experienced professional, so it offers plenty of work experience.
  • Duration: An apprenticeship generally lasts longer than an internship, sometimes several years.
  • Salary: As an apprentice, you receive a stipend, which can go up gradually through your training as you progress and improve your skills.

Apprenticeships are common in manufacturing, construction, and other skilled trades such as ironworking, masonry, plumbing, and carpentry.


We hope this article helped you understand the differences between externships and internships! Choosing the right one can have a significant impact on your career.

Externships offer a brief, observational opportunity while internships provide a more hands-on approach. You can choose either one based on which best aligns with your career goals and time availability.

If you’ve decided that you want to go for an internship, check out this article to learn more about finding your dream internship with Jobright!