
Job Hunting Guide for Marketing ( With a Resume Template)

As a marketing student looking for internship opportunities:
• Does showcasing social media account on resume help with your application?
• Is it necessary to seek internal referrals through LinkedIn?
• How can you craft a resume without any prior internship experience?


Using big data to analyze the hiring trends for PM Intern

Salary: Ranked in descending order based on the salary offered by companies.
Company: Categorized by industry, showing the number of companies offering MKT Intern positions.
Industry: Displays the total number of MKT Intern positions available in each industry.


Fresh Internships in Hot Areas

You can find the Intern List for popular regions here:
• MKT Intern List - USA
• MKT Intern List - NY
• MKT Intern List - CA
• MKT Intern List - DC


How to Write Marketing Internship Cover Letter (2024)

Find tips, templates, and examples for writing effective marketing internship cover letters in 2024 to boost your chances.


20 Common Questions & Answers

After mastering your skills, the next challenge is acing the marketing internship interview and showing your passion for creating compelling campaigns.
